The case
CZ Zorgverzekeringen, Holland’s third largest health insurance company realized that their customers aren’t quite keen on all the paperwork to reclaim your health care bill. So our team developed an easy to use app which would reclaim your health care bill by simply photographing it. No explanation needed, this transparent app will guide you through this process in a intuitive the flow. We’ll promise that you get your money back in 3 working days!
Eventhough CZ Zorgverzekeringen was quite new regarding the development of apps. I had to take in mind that the corporate branding was to be preserved. So I integrated parts of the new offline branding and mixed it with the iOS and Android guidelines resulting in a distictive, yet recognizable CZ app.
For both iOS and Android
The app is hybrid. The best of both worlds (native/web). Flexible and easy to maintain for both iOS as Android. The stores rewarded the app with a 4.6 star rating (15K reviews) in the Google Play store and a 4.7 star rating in the Apple Store (8K reviews). Creating a lot of impact due to the intuitive UX and crisp UI design.
Selected Works
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