Lately I received a question, could you redesign an existing app for us. Function wise the app itself is not very beneficial to the user, and it's design is a bit dull.
So my idea was to take the user by the hand and through storytelling lead the way inside the app. Therefore I used Lexi (Excellior ;-)) a free to use illustration from Humaaans and created a clear user experience. Besides the esthetical part I came up with new features which enhanced the learning purpose of the app. A redesign cuts both ways.
Easy to use
Navigate through the app by guestures, find content in an instant and ask feedback in an accessible way, my view on the Excellior redesign. Click on the images for a larger view.
Selected Works
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Shell - Ease the check-outService Design
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Nespresso redesign - Way of workingProject type
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Code of Conduct - Akzo NobelProject type
App redesign - ExcelliorProject type